Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holidays 2009 - Part I

We've been in Canton this weekend to be with Grandma Weezie as she recovers from a staph infection. She has been improving greatly, and we hope she'll be home with us soon.

Deacon has been enjoying his time with his cousins thoroughly. For them it's like one big 2-year-old birthday party all day, every day.

If you're on facebook, check out the group I just formed It'll explain why you don't have a Christmas card with Deak's cuteness on your fridge or mantle right now. Now for pictures you can enjoy immediately:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Rocks!!

Halloween Rocks for DJ Deacon Rock! Deacon stepped out this year as the one-and-only DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba. For those of you who aren't raising toddlers at the moment, Yo Gabba Gabba is an instantly addicting kids program with life-sized puppets, old school special effects, catchy songs, lots of dancing, and cool cool cool tricks! Deacon can't get enough of Yo Gabba Gabba (but somehow two weeks worth was enough for Grandma Weezie)!!

And here's some shots from our weekend with Papa and Weezie. The pictures don't begin to show all of the hard work that Grandma and Grandpa did while they were here but we definitely appreciate all of it!! Deacon has been asking for both of you since you left! XOXO, Jilly

Friday, October 16, 2009

Where you been?

Hi! It's fall, nearly winter! When did that happen? Life has been moving right along. If you haven't heard, we're having a girl (due date March 9). We're currently in the process of redesigning our home for the new addition. Thankfully,Grandma Weezie is here to help.

Here's what you'll see: Funny faces, Greek fest, and mostly a trip to Columbus to visit and surprise Aunt NeNe (Jenn) for her 30th (which isn't until The end of December, so it truly was a surprise).

Let's do it. Break it down!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brewgrass and More!

That's right, it was brewgrass time again. I think that our friend Steve said it best...it's the most wonderful time of the year! It even stopped raining for the day. Enjoy the pics! Jilly (yeah, that's right, I know how to post too!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day and a wedding in NY

This past weekend we went up to NY for our good friends', Joe and Aimee, wedding. Of course it was an absolutely beautiful event and an exuberant celebration with all of our friends and family.

I think there is something like 97 pictures here, so enjoy!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Deacon made the paper

We attended the "Baseball and Beers" brewfest yesterday, and Deacon and Jill were caught having a good time with our friends.

You should be able to see the pics by clicking here. The next picture in the series is one with Deacon too.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The end of summer

Summer is coming to an end in the Heimburg household. I'm back to work "full time" (I never really knew I was off...), the fall semester is in full swing. Jill is working hard and awaiting Obama's "shovel ready" stimulus fund projects to come pounding down her door. Deacon, as many have noted, is quite busy getting cuter every day. Enjoy the waning days of summer!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Visitors and Travels

First was a visit from family and friend.

Then Grandma Memaw came to visit and we went to San Francisco to see Phish (I might have some video up shortly). I think the pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

And here are the pictures we have of Deacon with his Memaw.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summertime O-Nine

July has been a month full of surprises! We had Stephie surprise us when she dropped in with Alex for a visit from D.C. for a weekend. And just about every day with Deak has given us one surprise or another. It might be a new word, like apple, which he'll say over and over and over for the entire day. Or, it might be walking into a room and seeing him sitting in a chair with a book in hand (or a hand in the litter box). You can never get enough, but I guess that's why you're here! Enjoy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lucky you!

These are the final pictures from our now defunct camera. Here we have a few choice shots from the Mountain Sports Festival (Deaky Trivia: this festival was Deacon's first ever in 2008) where we met up with a new friend, and from the second outing of the Pub Walkers Union - Local 15. We end with a few choice shots of the new work in our bathroom. Remember when all of our blog posts had to do with updates to the house?

We are still camera-less, so savor these shots (you might want to pace yourself).

This video is from stop 2 (Asheville Brewing Company) for the Pub Walkers Union Local 15 .

Friday, June 12, 2009


Sorry we've been slacking on the posts people. Did you hear our camera broke? Yeah, it's a bummer.

Well, I'm just dropping in to say sorry, no new pics yet, but hopefully soon.

One last thing -

Happy birthday Jilly!

Deacon and I love you very much!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Year one, take one

Fun fact: Deacon ate all the kids' oranges at school today. Then he threw up.

I know it's cliche, but I'm not lying when I write that not a day goes by that this kid doesn't amaze us. We went to this one year old's birthday party the other weekend, and they brought out some bubbles, and then, without prompting, Deak blurts out, "Bubbles!" That's amazing.

Speaking of bubbles, who doesn't know my brother, Josh? You'll see his face on Deacon's person below. The shirt is from Josh's "dirty thirty" birthday party, and made by my sister, Amy.

I'm starting a union. It's a Pub-walkers Union, and I'm heading up Local 15. I'm sure I'll keep you posted.

I know you waited like three weeks for pictures, so thanks if you're actually reading this before watching the slide show; I think this is the most random post in a while. If it didn't work out that way, I understand. Enjoy the pictures.

And now a little walking video...

Monday, April 20, 2009

What just happened?

Well, I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking, but they can't tell how thankful we are to have such loving families. Here's a brief recap:

My parents (G&G H) spent last week in Asheville, entertaining Deacon and making us food for the next month. By Friday both clans were in town (we missed ya Lombardis & Bertrums!!). Saturday was Deacon's Welcoming Ceremony (or Baptism) and reception, followed by naps and then disc golf for the guys and the pool for ladies and babies. On Sunday we said goodbye to G&G H, Aunt "The Reader" Amy, and the Huffs, but had dinner with Unkie "The Godfather" Josh, Aunt "The Godmother" Jenn, and Weezie, Papa and Aunt Linda. We couldn't have planned a more perfect weekend!

Thanks to everyone who came and helped us make a meaningful and memorable event and to everyone who was thinking of us this past Saturday for Deacon's ceremony!

If you have any pictures we'd love to see them!

Oh, and if you've been wondering about the Beer? Yeah, it's good.

Easter Morning

The Welcoming Ceremony

One last thing: Deacon's walking now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rack 'em up

"Racking" is brewing jargon for siphoning your brew from your primary fermenter to a secondary fermenter. Aside from avoiding prolonged contact with spent yeast, racking gave me the opportunity to dry hop my two hearted clone. This is my first dry hop, so I'm pretty excited. Just two more weeks!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Birthday Party

We had a great little gathering on Saturday for our celebration of one year of Deacon. There were lots of friends, playing, and cake and ice cream. Yes, Deacon had some cake, but no, the cake didn't have any sugar in it - just honey.

All in all, a successful first birthday party. Pats on the back. Up next, the christening/welcoming ceremony!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Deacon!

We love you very much, more and more each day.

Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One year ago

One year ago you were checking our blog right now to see if Deacon had come yet... he hadn't.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

51 weeks & Homebrew (finally)

Where'd the year go? Deacon will be one in a week! One in one week. One!

Look how far you've come little man!

Now for the second part of our post. This past week was my spring break. I'm not exactly sure which part of it was supposed to be a break, but I managed to find some time to do some brew. They should both be ready for Deacon's Christening on April 18. If you'd like to see the process check here:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Deacon eats an apple

This video is from about a week ago, and when you're Deacon, a lot changes in a week. Deak can now say, "Hi," and he's sprouting a couple more teeth to eat those apples with. That's right, two more, up front and center.

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February Fun

Hello everyone, Jill here. Matt has been super busy with work lately so I am temporarily filling in for him in order to keep you informed of all things Deacon!

February has been flying by but we have managed to have some fun and snap some pictures. We had a great visit with Amy a couple of weekends ago and even got to go on a date for Valentine's Day! Thanks Amy!

Deacon continues to amaze us everyday. He has graduated to solid food (bye, bye baby food) and loves to feed himself. Right now his favorites are pasta and beans. He is also getting good at mimicking our facial expression by sticking out his tongue, squinting his eyes, and blowing kisses. Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What week is it?

Wipe the sleep outta your eyes kiddos, we're back! The dust never settles on Deacon, but I guess that's what you might expect from a forty-six week old baby. That means he'll be 52 weeks in just 6 more weeks! Holy Moly!

We've recently returned from a trip up to Columbus for our nephew Tyler's Baptism. Hooray for Jesus! Jill is now the Godmother. I don't wanna sleep with the fishes, so I just do as she says. I kid, the Baptism was very nice. I paid close attention for some pointers in planning the Christening we'll be having for Deacon in April.

We all enjoyed the time with family, I think the pictures will speak to that. It was lots of fun to see Deacon and Rachel together. I went to a Buckeyes Basketball game thanks to Mikey and Trent. The Bucks won!

Tomorrow Amy is coming for a visit and a job interview! Hooray Amy! Deacon must be pretty exited - he can hardly sleep at night. Just kidding! He's actually sleeping great, like 12 hours great. While Amy's in town, we're going to show her a good time to motivate her to move here. (AKA Let Amy babysit while we go out to dinner.) Can't wait!

Here are those pictures you've been bugging me about. Yeah, you know who you are.

Video update;

Friday, January 30, 2009

Gone Phishing!!!

If you haven't heard Phish has gotten back together after a few year off and are touring this summer.

As of 10 am this morning Jilly scored us tickets to the Asheville Show on June 9. Hooray!! (Thanks Susan!)

We're accepting applications for sitters at this time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Today my son and I watched history in the making. It was beautiful. I feel a burden has been lifted from my consciousness. When I would look at him, it wasn't just the normal adorable Deacon, I'd think of all that he is, all he will see and know and be. Enough gush. Yay Obama! I hope you're happy too!

Picture time!

***Video time!

*** Starred items are extra fun!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


One hundred and one. No, it's not Deacon's current temperature (although he is still fighting off a nasty virus that invaded our family this past weekend). It's the one hundred and first post on Deacon's blog!

As previously mentioned, we've been sick. Not fun. And my semester started Monday. Me = busy. So please excuse our absence. It pains me to say it, but I don't have any pictures for you at this time. What a jip! Right?! Well, it is what is it peeps.

I guess I just wanted to drop in and say "hey," because I've been kinda jealous since Jill started making hundreds of friends on Facebook. Our friend Alex warned Jill that, "Facebook is like crack." Dude - super-crack. I'm afraid that Deacon is going to become a crack baby because of Facebook!

Of course I'm kidding. I know my brand of humor doesn't always translate well online, so I don't want anyone to actually think we're turning Deacon into a crack baby and that's why we don't have any pictures right now. It's definitely not because of that.

Matt's planning tip: The inauguration of Barack Obama is less than a week away. Do you know where you're going to watch the ceremony?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We're back

Hello and Happy New Year to all of our faithful blog followers!
2009 - it'll be fine.

We got back in on Friday and we're still unpacking (it's Sunday night). What a trip! It was long, but Deacon handled it like a pro, sleeping for 10 of the 13 hours to my home in NY and keeping that same routine for most of our other trips. All of that driving was worth it. I think the thing that is so special about our trip home for the holidays is that we get to be with all of these wonderful people who we love and who love us. There really is nothing more you could ask for.

One thing we heard again and again on our trip was that you really enjoyed our blog. Thanks! We enjoy sharing our life with Deacon with you. Keep checking in and I'll keep posting (maybe Jill will do one again too).

I think there's too much more to say and it's 11 o'clock and I get to return to work tomorrow, so I'm calling it a night.

There were a lot of pictures so I decided to break them up into 3 groups. Here they are from Farmington, to Canton, to Dayton.

Part I

Part II

Part III