Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, SPAM!

By popular request anonymous posting has been restored! At least that hacktivist group Anonymous will be happy now.  Comment at will!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thanks for everything!

We were fortunate enough to have Amma and Boppa here for the first week with Deacon and the cast. Unfortunately, I don't have one picture from that time. I guess it's probably understandable. Amma was able to, and kind enough to, stick around for another week, and she just left tonight. We're going to miss her. Thank you both for everything! Thanks to everyone else who has been showering Deacon with gifts in the mail.

And it's Vera's birthday! Happy Birthday big girl!!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

What a year! We're usually too busy for this sort of thing, but let's take a look back. Here are Vera's first 12 months. Happy Birthday, Vera Clair!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Visit

It's long overdue. Way back at the end of January longtime friends-of-the-family Stephanie and Alex swung in for a nice little visit. These were simpler times, before the uprisings in the Mideast and Midwest and before the cast (which is now what we'll mean whenever we use B.C.. We can't wait for A.C.!). We miss you both!