Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The time has come (almost)

Well, we're at the hospital. They have wi-fi, so we'll do our best to keep you all updated.

Jill has developed what is known as preeclampisa, which isn't serious, but if left unchecked could cause problems for her and Master Heimburg. What is the cure for preeclampsia you ask? Well for Jill it's having the baby! So she is being induced and long story short by this time tomorrow (with any luck) we'll both be the proud parents of ________ Heimburg!

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Go, Jilly, Go! Wishing, Waiting, Hoping, Praying.

Love you, Love you, Love you!

Mom H.

PS. His name may NOT be Baiter.
Bad joke, sorry.
I still vote for..........whatever you want! Whoever he is. You will guide him and he will be good. A gift...As you are.
Have this baby, please, before I become too sappy...

Unknown said...

Ya-hoo!! I hear (from myspace of all places) that some congratulations are in order!!

I'm so happy for you!!!

Best wishes from Utah