Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Birthday Party

We had a great little gathering on Saturday for our celebration of one year of Deacon. There were lots of friends, playing, and cake and ice cream. Yes, Deacon had some cake, but no, the cake didn't have any sugar in it - just honey.

All in all, a successful first birthday party. Pats on the back. Up next, the christening/welcoming ceremony!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Deacon!

We love you very much, more and more each day.

Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One year ago

One year ago you were checking our blog right now to see if Deacon had come yet... he hadn't.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

51 weeks & Homebrew (finally)

Where'd the year go? Deacon will be one in a week! One in one week. One!

Look how far you've come little man!

Now for the second part of our post. This past week was my spring break. I'm not exactly sure which part of it was supposed to be a break, but I managed to find some time to do some brew. They should both be ready for Deacon's Christening on April 18. If you'd like to see the process check here:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Deacon eats an apple

This video is from about a week ago, and when you're Deacon, a lot changes in a week. Deak can now say, "Hi," and he's sprouting a couple more teeth to eat those apples with. That's right, two more, up front and center.

Have a great week!