Friday, August 19, 2011

Rocky Mountain High

Back in May we visited Aunt Amy in Denver. It was pretty awesome, even if it was rainy and cool the entire time. First up, some pics from Odell's Brewery in Fort Collins, Jilly and Deak rockin' out, and fun around the house.

Up next, the zoo! Lots of animals in this one so that the kids will enjoy looking at our blog too. There are a few choice people picks interspersed as well. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Remember When


Another unannounced hiatus is over and we're back in full force with what you came here for: cute pictures.

I've got a lot of catching up, so expect a new post every week or so for the next little bit. For now, we're going back to where we left off.

Let us know if you're having any problems viewing the slideshows.