Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I don't know about you, but I missing eating and drink and carrying on at will. It was all to quick of a visit with Josh and Amma and Boppa H., but it whet our appetite for our upcoming annual northward trek to see (almost) all the family! Now if we can just survive the next 3 weeks.

Perhaps it's not surprising, but there ended up being an inverse relationship between the amount of fun we had and the number of pictures took. Enjoy!

The Catch Up

Halloween!!! Seems like only yesterday! Beware of Diablo Rojo!

And some other around-the-house-fun stuff

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Still going...

These kids are....
getting so big.
full of surprises.
taking over.
just getting started.

Here's some of what we've been up to:

And more recently:

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Little More Summer Please!

Today is the autumnal equinox, so I hope you all enjoy this last little taste of our summer!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rocky Mountain High

Back in May we visited Aunt Amy in Denver. It was pretty awesome, even if it was rainy and cool the entire time. First up, some pics from Odell's Brewery in Fort Collins, Jilly and Deak rockin' out, and fun around the house.

Up next, the zoo! Lots of animals in this one so that the kids will enjoy looking at our blog too. There are a few choice people picks interspersed as well. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Remember When


Another unannounced hiatus is over and we're back in full force with what you came here for: cute pictures.

I've got a lot of catching up, so expect a new post every week or so for the next little bit. For now, we're going back to where we left off.

Let us know if you're having any problems viewing the slideshows.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vera's Welcoming Ceremony and Easter

This was part of our recently "busy, busy, busy" life. It was a great time, and we enjoyed having our entire family together. Thank you to everyone who made it and to everyone that wished they could.

Vera's Welcoming:


BONUS pictures!
Here are some shots from a recent gathering of our "Asheville family," the Aldays and Partridges.

Catch up - cast off!

We made it! By now I'm sure you know that Deacon's cast is off.  We are all much, much happier.  We also been busy, busy, busy and there's no end in sight to that.  Enjoy the show...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, SPAM!

By popular request anonymous posting has been restored! At least that hacktivist group Anonymous will be happy now.  Comment at will!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thanks for everything!

We were fortunate enough to have Amma and Boppa here for the first week with Deacon and the cast. Unfortunately, I don't have one picture from that time. I guess it's probably understandable. Amma was able to, and kind enough to, stick around for another week, and she just left tonight. We're going to miss her. Thank you both for everything! Thanks to everyone else who has been showering Deacon with gifts in the mail.

And it's Vera's birthday! Happy Birthday big girl!!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

What a year! We're usually too busy for this sort of thing, but let's take a look back. Here are Vera's first 12 months. Happy Birthday, Vera Clair!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Visit

It's long overdue. Way back at the end of January longtime friends-of-the-family Stephanie and Alex swung in for a nice little visit. These were simpler times, before the uprisings in the Mideast and Midwest and before the cast (which is now what we'll mean whenever we use B.C.. We can't wait for A.C.!). We miss you both!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Final Installment

We've been getting some snow and more is supposed to be on the way. It reminds me of the time we spent up north. I hope these pictures help to extend the holiday cheer into your new year!

Now for some more fun! This is Deacon first real trip on a sled.

And here's the kids in the snow in OH:

Friday, January 7, 2011

I almost forgot!

Here is the second installment of out holiday fun! This batch come from our stay in with the Lombardi family in Canton, OH. What a blast! Six, count 'em, SIX young cousins! Needless to say, the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves and in the process exhausted all us old farts.

I'll be putting up the final installment, from the Heimburg home, shortly.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Update: Our new computer arrived today! Also, we had swimming tonight. So, No posts today. busy setting everything up. I'll try again tomorrow.

There's just too much to say and too much to show. I've already spent my night putting the albums together from our holidays. I'm going to release one album at a time over the next 2 nights of all our adventures! For now, here's some old stuff from before we left:

Happy New Year!