Monday, June 15, 2009

Lucky you!

These are the final pictures from our now defunct camera. Here we have a few choice shots from the Mountain Sports Festival (Deaky Trivia: this festival was Deacon's first ever in 2008) where we met up with a new friend, and from the second outing of the Pub Walkers Union - Local 15. We end with a few choice shots of the new work in our bathroom. Remember when all of our blog posts had to do with updates to the house?

We are still camera-less, so savor these shots (you might want to pace yourself).

This video is from stop 2 (Asheville Brewing Company) for the Pub Walkers Union Local 15 .

Friday, June 12, 2009


Sorry we've been slacking on the posts people. Did you hear our camera broke? Yeah, it's a bummer.

Well, I'm just dropping in to say sorry, no new pics yet, but hopefully soon.

One last thing -

Happy birthday Jilly!

Deacon and I love you very much!