This past week was filled with some significant milestones: Deacon began taking bottles at daycare, he also began taking naps, and he got sick! The good part about the latter of these is that Deacon's immune system seems to be working fine. He did have some good sniffles and a little fever that have kept mommy and daddy up at night - but we've adapted by going to bed before 10. As you will see in the pictures, Deacon handled it like a champ. Jilly also picked up a bit of what we assume Deacon had (Jill is a champ too!). Thankfully everyone has made it through the worst of it and is now on the mend.
Last week also marked the beginning of my fifth year at HCC (see the back-to-school picture).
This week were getting ready for another trek up to OH-IO for Baby Fest '08: Labor Day Edition.
That's all the news that's fit to print.
P.S. We've also included some pictures of our pets: Smokey, Bandit, and Karma. Remember them? They've been feeling a little left out lately. Little do they know that in another six months or so they may be getting more attention than they have ever wished for!