Wednesday, January 14, 2009


One hundred and one. No, it's not Deacon's current temperature (although he is still fighting off a nasty virus that invaded our family this past weekend). It's the one hundred and first post on Deacon's blog!

As previously mentioned, we've been sick. Not fun. And my semester started Monday. Me = busy. So please excuse our absence. It pains me to say it, but I don't have any pictures for you at this time. What a jip! Right?! Well, it is what is it peeps.

I guess I just wanted to drop in and say "hey," because I've been kinda jealous since Jill started making hundreds of friends on Facebook. Our friend Alex warned Jill that, "Facebook is like crack." Dude - super-crack. I'm afraid that Deacon is going to become a crack baby because of Facebook!

Of course I'm kidding. I know my brand of humor doesn't always translate well online, so I don't want anyone to actually think we're turning Deacon into a crack baby and that's why we don't have any pictures right now. It's definitely not because of that.

Matt's planning tip: The inauguration of Barack Obama is less than a week away. Do you know where you're going to watch the ceremony?


Steph said...

I hope I'm watching it at your house -- holding Deaky!!!

Anonymous said...

We'll be watching at least that is our plan so far. Sorry to hear you all got the bug that also invaded our house. I guess it was the christmas gift that kept on giving. Explain Jill's doings on facebook to me. Loved seeing you all. P.S. I'm getting better with Mario Matt. Patiently waiting for pics with love....Aunt Diane

Steph said...

Ahhhhh, I'm so excited to see you!!!!!!!!! I can't stop smiling!!!!! :D

Amy said...

Facebook is like the most wonderful crack ever.
I hope you guys are recovering. Matt, I think you breathed your disease through the phone. I also spent the last 4 days feverish, achy, pukey, and tired.

I like this update, very informative.

It doesn't matter where I watch the inauguration, I just hope I get to see most of it!

Anonymous said...

I rescheduled all of my appointments so I could watch the inauguration. So excited!!

Anonymous said...

Matt, I checked in because I thought you might have some thoughts bursting to share. I was fortunate to view the inauguration in the VHS primary school auditorium with close to 600 children in grades 2-3. They were amazingly attentive on the most part, respectful, receptive (definitely tuned in to group dynamics and applause).In a predominately white community they seemed only to be aware that they were greeting a good man. Now, there is a picture of hope. Let us hope. God bless.
